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Dec 11, 2010

How to make iTunes' America account


If you want to make iTunes' America account without credit card,
you have to follow this manual exactly.

Click iTunes.
And Click iTunes Store at left side.


After click it, down a scroll bar and find shape of national flag.
(You can find it right-bottom side)
Click the icon and change nation from Korea to America.


Now, Don't click make a new account!
If you do, you have to put your credit cards.


Find free app. (It doesn't matter what it is.)
Then try to download.

You can download click this.
If it isn't free, just click the cost. (Ex. $1.5)
And then it will be opened a new window
In this way, there is None!


 It's easy from here.
You just agree all of it.

*PW must include capital letters, small letters, and numbers that your ID doesn't have.

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